Hanifa broke the internet Friday evening with a virtual fashion show featuring their new collection #PinkLabelCongo. Between the 3D garments flowing flawlessly on the imaginary runway, the curvaceous figures, and overall innovation—it’s safe to say that Hanifa is on to something with the future of fashion.

Due to Co-vid19, every industry has been left with no choice but to become innovative with their strategies to connect with their audience and they are doing it virtually from the comforts of their own homes.

Who knew it would take a global pandemic for a fashion industry reset.

With fashion month quickly approaching in September, we question if this will be the route that designers will take from now on (or for the time being) to debut their Spring Summer 2021 collections.

Congalese Fashion designer, Anifa Mvuemba just made history with this virtual fashion show over the weekend. Anifa opened a studio here in Maryland about a year or so ago and I’ve loyally followed her brand since she debuted their Zoila shoe.

Anifa is on her way to be (if she’s not already) considered a trailblazer in the new era of fashion.

Could this be the new normal for the fashion industry? We don’t know. But, we love it.

Check out the full virtual fashion show below and let us know what are your thoughts in the comments.