10 Questions You Need to Ask Yourself When Your Purge Your Closet
If you’re having trouble deciding what items you should keep or purge from your closet, here are a few questions that will help you narrow down your options! 1. Have I worn it in the past year? 2. Does it fit? No, I mean does it really fit? 3. Could I get it tailored? 4. […]
5 Reasons to Purge Your Closet
It’s definitely that time again for spring cleaning and a good ol’ closet purge. Wondering if you need to purge your closet? Here are a few really good reasons to do so. Maximize Your Closet Space: If you remove everything you don’t wear, can’t fit, or is simply not your style anymore from your closet, […]
This 4 Pile Strategy Will Change the Way You Purge Your Closet
Looking at your closet, at first, can be completely overwhelming— which can result in total resentment of organizing your closet in the first place. To make things easier, I’ve created a FOUR PILE STRATEGY to help you purge and organize your closet. KEEP: obviously, these would be the clothing, shoes, and accessories that made the […]