It’s definitely that time again for spring cleaning and a good ol’ closet purge.

Wondering if you need to purge your closet? Here are a few really good reasons to do so.

  1. Maximize Your Closet Space: If you remove everything you don’t wear, can’t fit, or is simply not your style anymore from your closet, you’ll have enough room and space to add pieces to your closet you actually love and wear.
  2. Assess Your Style : This is a great opportunity to see if what is in your closet is really working for you and is a tangible testament to your personal style. Remember: As you evolve your wardrobe should too.

3. Store Away Heavy Coats & Winter Garments: In other words, seasonal wardrobe updates and maintenance! Time for the heavy winter stuff to go out and the light airy flowy spring stuff to go into your closet.

4. Update Your Wardrobe Inventory: When you purge your closet, it’s a great chance to actually see everything in there which will help you assess whether or not that garment or accessory is worthy to still be in your closet. Also, you’ll notice that you may need to fill in the gaps in your wardrobe. You may need a date night dress in your closet or you’re missing work tops and you need to add that to your shopping list.

5. Recycle 80% of the clothes you don’t wear anyway: Did you know women typically only wear about 20% of what is in their wardrobe?! Girl, if you don’t….take that 80%, follow our 4 Pile Strategy, to separate clothes that will be donated and consigned NEVER toss your clothes in the trash.